Partonomy list P2F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

tractus systematis nervosi centralis (par)

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Current level tractus systematis nervosi centralis (par) Short
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
76739 5078 tax
tractus systematis nervosi centralis (par)
tracts of central nervous system (pair)
tractus originis systematis nervosi centralis (par)
tracts of origin in central nervous system (pair)
8520 tax
tracts of origin in telencephalon (pair)
7615 tax
central roots of telencephalon (pair)
fila olfactoria (par)
olfactory cords (pair)
77626 6197 tax
tractus olfactorius (par)
olfactory tract (pair)
260714 7616 tax
association tracts of telencephalon (pair); association tracts of brain (pair)
260717 6274 tax
fibrae associationis breves (par) ; fibrae U-figuratae (par)
short fibres of association (pair) ; U-fibres (pair) ▲
77630 6273 tax
fibrae longae associationis (par)
long association fibres (pair) ▲
nomen ectorhinalis
ectorhinal word
systema longitudinale superius (par)
superior longitudinal system (pair)
77631 6272
fasciculus longitudinalis superior (par)
superior longitudinal fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis superior I (par)
superior longitudinal fasciculus I (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis superior II (par)
superior longitudinal fasciculus II (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis superior III (par)
superior longitudinal fasciculus III (pair)
fasciculus frontooccipitalis (par)
frontooccipital fasciculus (pair)
77634 6277
fasciculus occipitofrontalis superior (par)
superior occipitofrontal fasciculus (pair)
276650 6269
fasciculus arcuatus (par)
arcuate fasciculus (pair)
systema longitudinale inferius (par)
inferior longitudinal system (pair)
fasciculus frontooccipitalis inferior (par)
inferior frontooccipital fasciculus (pair)
77636 6275
fasciculus uncinatus cerebri (par)
uncinate fasciculus of brain (pair)
77633 6276
fasciculus occipitofrontalis inferior (par)
inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus (pair)
systema longitudinale medium (par)
middle longitudinal system (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis medius (par)
middle longitudinal fasciculus (pair)
systema longitudinale basale (par)
basal longitudinal system (pair)
77632 6271
fasciculus longitudinalis inferior (par)
inferior longitudinal fasciculus (pair)
systema longitudinale mesiale (par)
mesial longitudinal system (pair)
260761 6270
cingulum (par)
girdle (pair)
systema transversum anterius (par)
anterior transverse system (pair)
fasciculus frontalis obliquus (par)
oblique frontal fasciculus (pair) ; frontal aslant tract (pair)
systema transversum posterius (par)
posterior transverse system (pair)
83457 11830
fasciculus temporoparietalis verticalis (par)
vertical temporoparietal fasciculus (pair) ; temporoparietal aslant tract (pair)
fibrae associationis lobares
lobar association fibres ▲
fasciculus frontalis orbitopolaris (par)
orbitopolar frontal fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus frontomarginalis (par)
frontomarginal fasciculus (pair)
fasciculi occipitales verticales (par)
vertical occipital fasciculi (pair)
fibrae laterales (par)
lateral fibres (pair)
fibrae caudales (par)
caudal fibres (pair)
fasciculi occipitales horizontales (par)
horizontal occipital fasciculi (pair)
fibrae cuneatae (par)
cuneate fibres (pair)
fibrae lingulares (par)
lingular fibres (pair)
62076 9508 tax
pedunculus temporalis (par)
temporal peduncle (pair)
8522 tax
commissural tracts of telencephalon (pair); commissural tracts of brain (pair)
86464 6077 tax
corpus callosum
corpus callosum
fibrae corporis callosi (par)
fibres of corpus callosum (pair)
77693 6085 tax
radiatio corporis callosi (par)
radiation of corpus callosum (pair)
61944 6086
forceps minor (par) ; forceps frontalis (par)
lesser forceps (pair) ; frontal forceps (pair)
61949 6087
forceps major (par) ; forceps occipitalis (par)
major forceps (pair); occipital forceps (pair)
77208 6088
tapetum (par)
tapetum (pair)
61961 5799 tax
commissura anterior (par)
anterior commissure (pair)
61963 6089 tax
pars anterior commissurae anterioris (par)
anterior part of anterior commissure (pair)
61964 6090 tax
pars posterior commissurae anterioris (par)
posterior part of anterior commissure (pair)
tractus commissurales hippocampi (par)
commissural tracts of hippocampus (pair)
61970 6286
commissura hippocampi (par) ; psalterium (par)
hippocampal commissure (pair); psalterium (pair)
8523 tax
tractus longi originis telencephali (par)
long tracts of origin in telencephalon (pair)
8524 tax
descending tracts of origin in telencephalon (pair)
9544 tax
fibrae corticostriatales (par)
corticostriatal fibres (pair)
61960 6267 tax
capsula extrema (par)
extreme capsule (pair)
77637 9509
fasciculus subcallosus (par)
subcallosal bundle (pair)
8525 tax
fibrae corticothalamicae (par)
corticothalamic fibres (pair)
72634 8526 tax
tractus pyramidalis (par)
pyramidal tract (pair)
pars capsularis (par)
capsular part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par) ; pars pontina (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair) ; pontine part (pair)
5289 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par) ; pars bulbaris (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair) ; bulbar part (pair)
5293 tax
decussatio pyramidum (par); decussatio motoria (par)
decussation of pyramids (pair); motor decussation (pair)
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
265586 8527 tax
tractus corticospinalis (par)
corticospinal tract (pair)
pars capsularis (par)
capsular part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par) ; pars pontina (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair) ; pontine part (pair)
5290 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par) ; pars bulbaris (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair) ; bulbar part (pair)
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
8530 tax
tractus corticospinalis anterior (par) ; tractus corticospinalis ventralis (par)
anterior corticospinal tract (pair) ; ventral corticospinal tract (pair)
73959 5208
pars spinalis tractus corticospinalis anterioris (par)
spinal part of anterior corticospinal tract (pair)
8531 tax
tractus corticospinalis lateralis (par)
lateral corticospinal tract (pair)
14257 tax
tractus corticomesencephalicus (par)
corticomesencephalic tract (pair)
5624 tax
fibrae corticomesencephalicae (par)
corticomesencephalic fibres (pair)
6261 tax
fibrae corticotectae (par)
corticohidden fibres (pair)
fibrae occipitotectae (par)
occipitohidden fibres (pair)
pars capsularis (par)
capsular part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
9196 tax
tractus corticoruber (par)
corticored tract (pair)
75235 6249
pars capsularis (par)
capsular part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
8528 tax
tractus corticoreticularis (par)
corticoreticular tract (pair)
75202 6248
pars capsularis (par)
capsular part (pair)
75202 5596
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par) ; pars pontina (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair) ; pontine part (pair)
5292 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par) ; pars bulbaris (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair) ; bulbar part (pair)
tractus corticonuclearis (par)
corticonuclear tract (pair)
75222 6245 tax
ERR1 (par)
ERR1 (pair)
75219 5603
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
75214 5435
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par) ; pars pontina (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair) ; pontine part (pair)
5291 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
224856 12543
tractus corticopontini (par)
corticopontine tracts (pair)
75223 6243
tractus frontopontinus (par)
frontopontine tract (pair)
8532 tax
fibrae frontopontinae (par)
frontopontine fibres (pair)
tractus occipitoparietotemporopontinus (par)
occipitoparietotemporopontine tract (pair)
8534 tax
fibrae occipitopontinae (par)
occipitopontine fibres (pair)
8535 tax
fibrae parietopontinae (par)
parietopontine fibres (pair)
8536 tax
fibrae temporopontinae (par)
temporopontine fibres (pair)
fasciculus angularis (par)
angular bundle (pair)
tractus perforans (par)
perforating tract (pair)
84379 6193
fasciculus peduncularis descendens (par)
descending peduncular fasciculus (pair)
proper tracts of hippocampus (pair) ; intrinsic tracts of hippocampus (pair)
neuroneurofibrae muscosae hippocampi (par)
mossy fibres of hippocampus (pair)
collaterales axonales hippocampi proprii (par)
axonal collaterals of proper hippocampus (pair)
via endofolialis (par)
endfolial pathway (pair)
collaterales axonales hilares hippocampi proprii (par)
hilar axonal collaterals of proper hippocampus (pair)
descending tracts of hippocampus (pair) ; descending tract of origin in hippocampi (pair)
83867 6156
alveus hippocampi (par)
alveus (pair)
83866 6075
fimbria hippocampi (par)
fimbria (pair)
61965 6091
fornix (par)
fornix (pair)
61969 6095
crus fornicis (par)
leg of fornix (pair)
61968 6094
corpus fornicis (par)
body of fornix (pair)
61968 5798
columna fornicis (par)
column of fornix (pair)
fornix precommissuralis (par)
precommissural fornix (pair)
75251 6092
fibrae precommissurales fornicis (par)
precommissural fibres of fornix (pair)
fornix postcommissuralis (par)
postcommissural fornix (pair)
75252 6093
fibrae postcommissurales fornicis (par)
postcommissural fibres of fornix (pair)
descending tracts of amygdala (pair)
61974 6111
stria terminalis (par)
stria terminalis (pair)
fibrae amygdalostriatales (par)
amygdalostriatal fibres (pair)
fasciculus amygdalofugiens ventralis (par)
ventral amygdalofugal bundle (pair)
fibrae amygdalotegmentales (par)
amygdalotegmental fibres (pair)
tract of origin in basal nucleis (pair)
tractus intrinsici originis nuclei basalis (par)
intrinsic tract of origin in basal nucleis (pair)
62469 6223
lamina medullaris lateralis (par) ; lamina medullaris externa (par)
lateral medullary layer (pair) ; external medullary layer (pair)
62470 6225
lamina medullaris medialis (par) ; lamina medullaris interna (par)
medial medullary layer (pair) ; internal medullary layer (pair)
tractus descendentes originis nuclei basalis (par)
descending tract of origin in basal nucleis (pair)
fibrae striatopallidales (par)
striatopallidal fibres (pair)
fibrae striatonigrales (par)
striatonigral fibres (pair)
62070 5874 tax
ansa lenticularis (par)
ansa lenticularis (pair)
61976 5875
fasciculus lenticularis (par)
lenticular fasciculus (pair)
62065 5890
fasciculus thalamicus (par)
thalamic fasciculus (pair)
77525 5888
fasciculus subthalamicus (par)
subthalamic fasciculus (pair)
fibrae pallidofugientes (par)
pallidofugal fibres (pair)
fibrae pallidosubthalamicae (par)
pallidosubthalamic fibres (pair)
fibrae pallidothalamicae (par)
pallidothalamic fibres (pair)
fibrae pallidohabenulares (par)
pallidohabenular fibres (pair)
fibrae pallidonigrales (par)
pallidonigral fibres (pair)
fibrae pallidotegmentales (par)
pallidotegmental fibres (pair)
8410 tax
tracts of origin in hypothalamus (pair)
8508 tax
central roots of origin in hypothalamus (pair)
62046 5782 tax
tractus opticus
optic tract
84574 5783
radix lateralis
lateral root
84575 5784
radix medialis
medial root
77010 5969 tax
tractus retinohypothalamicus (par)
retinohypothalamic tract (pair)
proper tracts of hypothalamus (pair) ; intrinsic tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
fibrae periventriculares hypothalami (par)
periventricular fibres of hypothalamus (pair)
commissural tracts of origin in hypothalamus (pair)
commissurae supraopticae (par)
supraoptic commissures (pair)
62051 5956
commissura supraoptica dorsalis (par)
dorsal supraoptic commissure (pair)
62052 5968
commissura supraoptica ventralis (par)
ventral supraoptic commissure (pair)
8414 tax
efferent tracts of origin in hypothalamus (pair)
62080 5774
stria medullaris prethalami (par) ; stria medullaris thalami (par)
stria medullaris of prethalamus (pair); stria medullaris of thalamus (pair)
fasciculus mammillaris principalis (par)
principal mammillary fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus mammillothalamicus (par)
mammillothalamic fasciculus (pair) ; mamillothalamic tract (pair) ▲
fasciculus mammillotegmentalis (par)
mammillotegmental fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus prosencephali medialis descendens (par)
descending medial fasciculus of prosencephalon (pair) ; descending medial forebrain bundle (pair)
fibrae hypothalamocorticales (par)
hypothalamocortical fibres (pair)
77008 5959
tractus hypothalamohypophysiales (par)
hypothalamohypophysial tracts (pair)
77009 8656
tractus paraventriculohypophysialis (par)
paraventriculohypophysial tract (pair)
fibrae paraventriculohypophysiales (par)
paraventriculohypophysial fibres (pair)
tractus supraopticohypophysialis (par)
supraopticohypophysial tract (pair)
fibrae supraopticohypophysiales (par)
supraopticohypophysial fibres (pair)
77482 8415 tax
tractus hypothalamospinalis (par)
hypothalamospinal tract (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior (par) ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis (par)
posterior longitudinal fasciculus (pair) ; dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (pair)
pars hypothalamica (par)
hypothalamic part (pair)
88845 5955
pars diencephalica (par)
diencephalic part (pair)
72453 5612
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
72492 5456
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
5301 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
7917 tax
tracts of origin in diencephalon (pair)
central roots of origin in diencephalon (pair)
62046 5782 tax
tractus opticus (par)
optic tract (pair)
84574 5783
radix lateralis (par)
lateral root (pair)
84575 5784
radix medialis (par)
medial root (pair)
62445 7623 tax
commissural tracts of origin in diencephalon (pair)
62048 5792
commissura habenulae (par)
habenular commissure (pair)
62072 5794
commissura posterior (par)
posterior commissure (pair)
proper tracts of diencephalon (pair) ; intrinsic tracts of diencephalon (pair)
62469 5871
lamina medullaris lateralis (par)
external medullary lamina (pair)
62470 5872
lamina medullaris medialis (par)
internal medullary lamina (pair)
fibrae intrathalamicae (par)
intrathalamic fibres (pair)
fibrae periventriculares thalami (par)
periventricular fibres of thalamus (pair)
7622 tax
tractus longi originis diencephali (par)
long tracts of origin in diencephalon (pair)
8496 tax
ascending tracts of origin in diencephalon (pair)
fibrae thalamostriatales (par)
thalamostriatal fibres (pair)
fibrae subthalamopallidales (par)
subthalamopallidal fibres (pair)
radiationes thalamicae (par)
thalamic radiations (pair)
76976 5877
radiatio thalamica anterior (par) ; radiatio anterior thalami (par)
anterior thalamic radiation (pair)
fibrae thalamofrontales (par)
thalamofrontal fibres (pair)
76978 5878
radiatio thalamica centralis (par) ; radiatio centralis thalami (par)
central thalamic radiation (pair)
fibrae thalamoparietales (par)
thalamoparietal fibres (pair)
76980 5879
radiatio thalamica inferior (par) ; radiatio inferior thalami (par)
inferior thalamic radiation (pair)
fibrae thalamotemporales (par)
thalamotemporal fibres (pair)
76982 5886
radiatio thalamica posterior (par) ; radiatio posterior thalami (par)
posterior thalamic radiation (pair)
radiatio acustica (par)
acoustic radiation (pair)
fibrae geniculotemporales (par)
geniculotemporal fibres (pair)
62413 6260
pars telencephalica (par)
telencephalic part (pair)
62413 5873
pars diencephalica (par)
diencephalic part (pair)
61941 5884
radiatio optica (par)
optic radiation (pair)
fibrae geniculocalcarinae (par)
geniculocalcarine fibres (pair)
fasciculus anterior (par)
anterior bundle (pair)
fasciculus centralis (par)
central bundle (pair)
fasciculus dorsalis (par)
dorsal bundle (pair)
fasciculus peduncularis ascendens (par)
ascending peduncular fasciculus (pair)
8489 tax
descending tracts of origin in diencephalon (pair)
72400 5802 tax
tractus habenulointerpeduncularis (par) ; fasciculus retroflexus (par)
habenulointerpeduncular tract (pair) ; fasciculus retroflexus (pair)
72400 8727
pars diencephalica (par)
diencephalic part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
8490 tax
tractus tegmentalis medialis (par)
medial tegmental tract (pair)
75216 8491 tax
tractus pretectoolivaris (par)
pretectoolivary tract (pair)
pars diencephalica (par)
diencephalic part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
8731 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
75219 8492 tax
tractus prerubroolivaris (par)
prerubroolivary tract (pair)
pars diencephalica (par)
diencephalic part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
8747 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
83846 8495 tax
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis descendens (par)
descending medial longitudinal fasciculus (pair)
77031 8494 tax
tractus interstitiospinalis (par)
interstitiospinal tract (pair)
pars diencephalica (par)
diencephalic part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
5314 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
77031 5213 tax
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
8488 tax
tracts of origin in mesencephalon (pair)
central roots of mesencephalon (pair)
72489 5464
tractus mesencephalicus nervi trigeminalis (par)
mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve (pair)
commissural tracts of origin in mesencephalon (pair)
72418 5682
commissura colliculi superioris (par)
commissure of superior colliculus (pair)
71115 5681
commissura colliculi inferioris (par)
commissure of inferior colliculus (pair)
tractus longi originis mesencephali (par)
long tracts of origin in mesencephalon (pair)
ascending tracts of origin in mesencephalon (pair)
72417 5584
brachium colliculi superioris (par)
brachium of superior colliculus (pair)
71114 5583
brachium colliculi inferioris (par)
brachium of inferior colliculus (pair)
8485 tax
fibrae nigrostriatales (par)
nigrostriatal fibres (pair)
descending tracts of origin in mesencephalon (pair)
72645 8479 tax
tractus tectobulbaris (par)
tectobulbar tract (pair)
decussatio tegmentalis dorsalis (par) ; decussatio tegmentalis posterior (par)
dorsal tegmental decussation (pair) ; posterior tegmental decussation (pair)
75217 5458 tax
fibrae tectoolivares (par)
tectoolivary fibres (pair)
75218 5459 tax
fibrae tectoreticulares (par)
tectoreticular fibres (pair)
72620 8480 tax
tractus tectospinalis (par)
tectospinal tract (pair)
decussatio tegmentalis dorsalis ; decussatio tegmentalis posterior
dorsal tegmental decussation ; posterior tegmental decussation
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
5299 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
73983 5214 tax
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
72640 8481 tax
tractus rubrospinalis (par)
rubrospinal tract (pair)
72452 5623
decussatio tegmentalis ventralis (par) ; decussatio tegmentalis anterior (par)
decussation of rubrospinal tract (pair); anterior tegmental decussation (pair) ; ventral tegmental decussation (pair)
72640 5614
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
72640 5483
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
5323 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
73995 5223 tax
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
8482 tax
fibrae rubrocerebellares (par)
rubrocerebellar fibres (pair)
8483 tax
fibrae rubrofaciales (par)
rubrofacial fibres (pair)
83850 5476 tax
tractus tegmentalis centralis (par)
central tegmental tract (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
14232 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
77050 5322 tax
tractus rubroolivares (par)
rubroolivary tracts (pair)
72611 5303 tax
amiculum olivare (par)
amiculum of olive (pair)
8475 tax
tracts of origin in cerebellum (pair)
commissural tracts of origin in cerebellum (pair)
77522 5762
commissura cerebelli (par)
cerebellar commissure (pair)
8471 tax
tractus longi originis cerebelli (par)
long tracts of origin in cerebellum (pair)
ascending tracts of origin in cerebellum (pair)
tractus cerebelloruber (par)
cerebellored tract (pair)
tractus cerebellothalamicus (par)
cerebellothalamic tract (pair)
8463 tax
descending tracts of origin in cerebellum (pair)
72490 5763
fasciculus uncinatus cerebelli (par)
uncinate fasciculus of cerebellum (pair)
8466 tax
fibrae cerebellovestibulares (par)
cerebellovestibular fibres (pair)
8467 tax
fibrae cerebelloolivares (par) ; fibrae nucleoolivares (par)
cerebelloolivary fibres (pair) ; nucleoolivary fibres (pair)
8468 tax
fibrae fastigiobulbares (par)
fastigiobulbar fibres (pair)
7883 tax
tractus cerebellospinales (par)
cerebellospinal tracts (pair)
75690 8469 tax
tractus fastigiospinalis (par)
fastigiospinal tract (pair)
fibrae fastigiospinales (par)
fastigiospinal fibres (pair)
75691 5221 tax
tractus interpositospinalis (par)
interpositospinal tract (pair)
8422 tax
tracts of origin in rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
52609 9462
central roots of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
decussatio nervi trochlearis (par)
decussation of trochlear nerve (pair)
72510 5465
genu nervi facialis (par)
knee of facial nerve (pair)
83851 5302 tax
tractus spinalis nervi trigeminalis (par)
spinal tract of trigeminal nerve (pair)
commissural tracts of origin of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
tractus pontocerebellaris (par)
pontocerebellar tract (pair)
fibrae pontocerebellares (par)
pontocerebellar fibres (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par) ; pars pontina (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair) ; pontine part (pair)
pars cerebellaris (par)
cerebellar part (pair)
commissura nuclei dorsalis lemnisci lateralis (par)
commissure of dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus (pair)
proper tracts of origin in rostral rhombencephalon (pair) ; intrinsic tracts of origin in rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
72485 5467
tractus olivocochlearis (par)
olivocochlear bundle (pair)
tractus longi originis rhombencephali rostralis (par)
long tracts of origin in rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
ascending tracts of origin in rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
projectiones auditoriae (par)
auditory projections (pair)
72487 5466
corpus trapezoideum (par)
trapezoid body (pair)
striae cochleares (par)
acoustic striae (pair)
72498 5470
stria cochlearis anterior (par); stria cochlearis ventralis (par)
anterior acoustic stria (pair) ; ventral acoustic stria (pair)
72497 5471
stria cochlearis intermedia (par)
intermediate acoustic stria (pair)
72496 5472
stria cochlearis posterior (par)
posterior acoustic stria (pair) ; dorsal acoustic stria (pair)
72502 5468
lemniscus lateralis (par)
lateral lemniscus (pair)
62061 8040
pedunculus mammillaris (par)
mammillary peduncle (pair)
83852 8426
tractus trigeminothalamici (par)
trigeminothalamic tracts (pair)
72500 5463
tractus trigeminothalamicus posterior (par) ; tractus trigeminothalamicus dorsalis (par)
posterior trigeminothalamic tract (pair) ; dorsal trigeminothalamic tract (pair)
tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior (par) ; tractus trigeminothalamicus ventralis (par) ; lemniscus trigeminalis (par)
anterior trigeminothalamic tract (pair) ; ventral trigeminothalamic tract (pair) ; trigeminal lemniscus (pair)
tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis (par)
lateral trigeminothalamic tract (pair)
tractus vestibulomesencephalici (par)
vestibulomesencephalic tracts (pair)
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus lateralis (par)
lateral vestibulomesencephalic tract (pair)
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus medialis (par)
medial vestibulomesencephalic tract (pair)
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus ventralis (par)
ventral vestibulomesencephalic tract (pair)
tractus vestibulothalamicus (par)
vestibulothalamic tract (pair)
fibrae ascendentes monoaminergicae (par)
monoaminergic ascending fibres (pair)
fibrae ascendentes serotonergicae (par)
serotonergic ascending fibres (pair)
fibrae ascendentes noradrenergicae (par)
noradrenergic ascending fibres (pair)
descending tracts of origin in rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
tractus reticulospinales (par)
reticulospinal tracts (pair)
73986 5212
tractus reticulospinalis medialis (par) ; tractus pontoreticulospinalis (par)
medial reticulospinal tract (pair) ; pontoreticulospinal tract (pair) ; pontine reticulospinal tract (pair)
8448 tax
tracts of origin in caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
8449 tax
central roots of caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
fibrae vestibulocerebellares primariae (par)
primary vestibulocerebellar fibres (pair)
72619 5307 tax
tractus solitarius (par)
solitary tract (pair)
8451 tax
tractus longi originis rhombencephali caudalis (par)
long tracts of origin in caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
8452 tax
ascending tracts of origin in caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
12527 tax
lemniscus medialis (par)
medial lemniscus (pair)
83675 5883 tax
pars thalamica (par)
thalamic part (pair)
5608 tax
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
5298 tax
pars rhombencephalica rostralis lemnisci medialis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part of medial lemniscus (pair)
14237 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
5296 tax
fibrae arcuatae internae (par)
internal arcuate fibres (pair)
72622 5297 tax
decussatio lemnisci medialis (par) ; decussatio sensoria (par)
decussation of medial lemniscus (pair) ; sensory decussation (pair)
8453 tax
tractus trigeminothalamici rhombencephali caudalis (par)
trigeminothalamic tracts of caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior (par) ; tractus trigeminothalamicus ventralis (par) ; lemniscus trigeminalis (par)
anterior trigeminothalamic tract (pair) ; ventral trigeminothalamic tract (pair) ; trigeminal lemniscus (pair)
tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis (par)
lateral trigeminothalamic tract (pair)
12058 tax
tractus cuneocerebellaris (par)
cuneocerebellar tract (pair)
5320 tax
fibrae cuneocerebellares (par)
cuneocerebellar fibres (pair)
5308 tax
fibrae arcuatae externae posteriores (par) ; fibrae arcuatae externae dorsales (par)
posterior external arcuate fibres (pair) ; dorsal external arcuate fibres (pair)
5275 tax
fibrae arcuatae externae anteriores (par) ; fibrae arcuatae externae ventrales (par)
anterior external arcuate fibres (pair) ; ventral external arcuate fibres (pair)
8456 tax
fibrae trigeminocerebellares (par)
trigeminocerebellar fibres (pair)
72638 5305 tax
tractus olivocerebellaris (par)
olivocerebellar tract (pair)
8457 tax
fibrae nucleocerebellares (par)
nucleocerebellar fibres (pair)
8458 tax
fibrae raphecerebellares (par)
raphecerebellar fibres (pair)
8459 tax
fibrae vestibulocerebellares (par)
vestibulocerebellar fibres (pair)
8460 tax
fibrae vestibulocerebellares secundariae (par)
secondary vestibulocerebellar fibres (pair)
8461 tax
fibrae gustatoriae ascendentes (par)
ascending gustatory fibres (pair)
8442 tax
descending tracts of origin in caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
8443 tax
tractus raphespinales (par)
raphespinal tracts (pair)
75686 5310 tax
tractus raphespinalis anterior (par) ; tractus raphespinalis ventralis (par)
anterior raphespinal tract (pair) ; ventral raphespinal tract (pair)
8444 tax
tractus raphespinalis lateralis (par)
lateral raphespinal tract (pair)
8445 tax
tractus vestibulospinales (par)
vestibulospinal tracts (pair)
73974 5318 tax
tractus vestibulospinalis lateralis (par)
lateral vestibulospinal tract (pair)
8446 tax
tractus vestibulospinalis medialis (par)
medial vestibulospinal tract (pair)
75689 5224 tax
tractus reticulospinalis lateralis (par) ; tractus bulboreticulospinalis (par)
lateral reticulospinal tract (pair) ; bulboreticulospinal tract (pair) ; medullary reticulospinal tract (pair)
8447 tax
tractus solitariospinalis (par)
solitariospinal tract (pair)
75700 5240 tax
tractus trigeminospinalis (par)
trigeminospinal tract (pair)
5247 tax
fibrae cuneospinales (par)
cuneospinal fibres (pair)
5248 tax
fibrae gracilispinales (par)
gracilospinal fibres (pair)
fasciculus prosencephali medialis ascendens (par)
ascending medial fasciculus of prosencephalon (pair) ; ascending medial forebrain bundle (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior ascendens (par) ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis ascendens (par)
ascending posterior longitudinal fasciculus (pair) ; ascending dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis ascendens (par)
ascending medial longitudinal fasciculus (pair)
7944 tax
tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair)
central roots of spinal cord (pair)
fasciculus cuneatus (par)
cuneate fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus gracilis (par)
gracile fasciculus (pair)
7946 tax
proper tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair) ; intrinsic tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair)
77029 5242 tax
fasciculus propriospinalis posterior (par) ; fasciculus propriospinalis dorsalis (par)
posterior propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; dorsal propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; dorsal ground bundle (pair); posterior ground bundle (pair)
77030 5243 tax
fasciculus septomarginalis (par)
septomarginal fasciculus (pair)
73944 5244 tax
fasciculus interfascicularis (par) ; fasciculus semilunaris (par)
interfascicular fasciculus (pair) ; semilunar fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus cornucommissuralis (par)
cornucommissural fasciculus (pair)
77027 5219 tax
fasciculus propriospinalis lateralis (par)
lateral propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; lateral ground bundle (pair)
75696 5238 tax
tractus spinocervicalis (par)
spinocervical tract (pair)
77026 5206 tax
fasciculus propriospinalis anterior (par) ; fasciculus propriospinalis ventralis (par)
anterior propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; ventral propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; anterior ground bundle (pair); ventral ground bundle (pair)
77028 5207 tax
fasciculus sulcomarginalis (par)
sulcomarginal fasciculus (pair)
long tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair)
7955 tax
tractus ascendentes originis medullae spinalis (par)
ascending tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair)
5250 tax
fibrae spinograciles (par)
spinogracile fibres (pair)
5249 tax
fibrae spinocuneatae (par)
spinocuneate fibres (pair)
77766 12531 tax
tractus anterolateralis (par) ; systema anterolaterale (par) ; lemniscus spinalis (par)
anterolateral tract (pair) ; anterolateral system (pair) ; spinal lemniscus (pair)
pars thalamica (par)
thalamic part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
5324 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
tractus spinoreticularis (par)
spinoreticular tract (pair)
5331 tax
fibrae spinorhombencephalica (par)
spinorhombencephalic fibres (pair)
fibrae rhombencephalica caudales (par) ; fibrae bulbares (par)
caudal rhombencephalic fibres (pair) ; bulbar fibres (pair)
5326 tax
fibrae spinoreticulares (par)
spinoreticular fibres (pair)
fibrae spinorhombencephalica rostrales (par)
rostral spinorhombencephalic fibres (pair)
fibrae spinoreticulares rhombencephali rostralis (par)
spinoreticular fibres of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
fibrae spinofaciales (par)
spinofacial fibres (pair)
7537 tax
tractus spinoparabrachialis (par)
spinoparabrachial tract (pair)
fibrae spinoparabrachiales (par)
spinoparabrachial fibres (pair)
73968 5226 tax
tractus spinomesencephalicus (par)
spinomesencephalic tract (pair)
fibrae spinointercolliculares (par)
spinointercollicular fibres (pair)
5328 tax
fibrae spinotectae (par)
spinohidden fibres (pair)
5329 tax
fibrae spinoperiaqueductales (par)
spinoperiaqueductal fibres (pair)
5327 tax
fibrae spinomesencephalicae (par)
spinomesencephalic fibres (pair)
7538 tax
tractus spinothalamici (par)
spinothalamic tracts (pair)
pars thalamica (par)
thalamic part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
5325 tax
fibra spinothalamica (par)
spinothalamic fibre (pair)
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
partes rhombencephalica caudales (par)
caudal rhombencephalic parts (pair)
75684 5217 tax
tractus spinothalamicus anterior (par) ; tractus spinothalamicus ventralis (par)
anterior spinothalamic tract (pair) ; ventral spinothalamic tract (pair)
73965 5227 tax
tractus spinothalamicus lateralis (par)
lateral spinothalamic tract (pair)
tractus spinohypothalamicus (par)
spinohypothalamic tract (pair)
5330 tax
fibrae spinohypothalamicae (par)
spinohypothalamic fibres (pair)
tractus cervicothalamicus (par)
cervicothalamic tract (pair)
72643 12547 tax
tractus spinoolivaris (par)
spinoolivary tract (pair)
5304 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
5232 tax
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
75213 5332 tax
fibrae spinoolivares (par)
spinoolivary fibres (pair)
7539 tax
tractus spinovestibularis (par)
spinovestibular tract (pair)
72646 5333 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
5239 tax
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
fibrae spinovestibulares (par)
spinovestibular fibres (pair)
7960 tax
tractus spinocerebellares (par)
spinocerebellar tracts (pair)
8419 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris rostralis (par)
rostral spinocerebellar tract (pair)
72642 5312 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris anterior (par) ; tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis (par)
anterior spinocerebellar tract (pair) ; ventral spinocerebellar tract (pair)
73950 5319 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris posterior (par) ; tractus spinocerebellaris dorsalis (par)
posterior spinocerebellar tract (pair) ; dorsal spinocerebellar tract (pair)
fibrae afferentes somatosensoriae (par)
somatosensory afferent fibres (pair)
fibrae afferentes proprioceptivae (par)
proprioceptive afferent fibres (pair)
fibrae afferentes viscerosensoriae (par)
viscerosensory afferent fibres (pair)
7619 tax
mixed tracts of central nervous system (pair)
fasciculus peduncularis (par)
peduncular fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus peduncularis ascendens
ascending peduncular fasciculus
84379 6193
fasciculus peduncularis descendens
descending peduncular fasciculus
62071 7618
ansa peduncularis (par)
ansa peduncularis (pair)
fibrae thalamotemporales
thalamotemporal fibres
8525 tax
fibrae corticothalamicae
corticothalamic fibres
fasciculus amygdalofugiens ventralis
ventral amygdalofugal bundle
fasciculus prosencephali medialis (par)
medial fasciculus of prosencephalon (pair) ; medial forebrain bundle (pair)
fasciculus prosencephali medialis ascendens
ascending medial fasciculus of prosencephalon ; ascending medial forebrain bundle
fasciculus prosencephali medialis descendens
descending medial fasciculus of prosencephalon ; descending medial forebrain bundle
62063 7620
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior (par) ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis (par)
posterior longitudinal fasciculus (pair) ; dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior ascendens ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis ascendens
ascending posterior longitudinal fasciculus ; ascending dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
posterior longitudinal fasciculus ; dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis (par)
medial longitudinal fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis ascendens
ascending medial longitudinal fasciculus
83846 8495 tax
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis descendens
descending medial longitudinal fasciculus
446 lines
60.1 %
56.7 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
For the updated TNA, the following subdivision of the long fibre tracts has been adopted, based on Swanson and Bota’s proposal (Swanson LW, Bota M 2010 Foundation model of structural connectivity in the nervous system with a schema for wiring diagrams, connectome, and basic plan architecture. Proc Natl Aad Sci USA 107:20610-20617). In essence, this system includes: (1) Radices centrales (Central roots) for the cranial nerve roots within the brain stem, including the genu of the facial nerve, the decussation of the trochlear nerves, the solitary tract, the spinal and mesencephalic tracts of the trigeminal nerve, and the gracile and uneate fasciculi. The tractus opticus may also be viewed as a central root for the diencephalon and hypothalamus. (2) Tractus proprii (Intrinsic tracts), remaing to one part of the brain or within the spinal cord. The Tractus associationis cerebri (Association tracts of cerebrum), intrinsic to the cerebrum, are listed under their usual name. (3) Tractus commissurales (Commissural tracts) for the corpus callosum and the commissures (anterior, habenular, posterior); the term Transverse tracts will not be applied, some 'transverse tracts' are contralateral branches of a long tract. (4) Tractus longi (Longitudinal tracts) to be divided into: (a) Ascending tracts; (b) Cerebellar efferent tracts; and (c) Descending tracts. The problem of redundancy/repitition of terms has been solved by adding a topographical description where appropriate (pars spinalis/spinal part, pars rhombencephalica caudalis/caudal rhombencephalic or pars bulbaris/bubar part), pars rhombencephalica rostralis/rostral rhombencephalic part, pars pontina/pontine part, where appropriate and related to the real pons, pars mesencephalica/mesencephalic part, pars cerebellaris/cerebellar part, pars diencephalica/diencephalic part, par hypothalamica/hypothalamic part, Pars capsularis/capsular part)
For the Reticulospinal tracts various terms are used in the literature. Following the study on human reticulospinal fibres by Nathan PW, Smith MC, Deacon P (1996 Vestibulospinal, reticulospinal and descending propriospinal nerve fibres in man. Brain 119:1809-1833), here, a simplified subdivision into a Lateral (from The Myelencephalon) and a Medial reticulospinal tract (from the Pons) is advocated.
Nathan and Smith described the Propriospinal fasciculi as Posterior or Dorsal, Lateral, and Anterior or Ventral Ground bundles (Nathan PW, Smith MC 1959 Fasciculi proprii of the spinal cord in man. Brain 82:610-668). The term Fasciculus septomarginalis (Septomarginal fasciculus) is used for: 1) the Oval bundle of Flechsig, present at lumbar levels; and 2) the Triangle of Philippe-Gombault, present at sacral levels (see Schoenen J, Grant G 2004 The spinal cord: Connections. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 236-265). The term Fasciculus interfascicularis is also known as the Comma tract of Schultze, present at cervical and high thoracic levels. According to Nathan and Smith (1959), the Comma tract consists of descending divisions of the cervical and upper thoracic dorsal roots. The Fasciculus cornucommissuralis is present throughout the cord, best developed at lumbar levels; situated along the medial side of the posterior grey column abutting the posterior commissure. It consists of ipsilaterally running propriospinal fibres (see Schoenen and Grant 2004).
See note # 5242
See note # 5242
For the Tractus spinoolivaris (Spino-olivary tract) as eponym Helweg tract is used. Smith and Deacon (Smith MC, Deacon P 1981 Helweg's triangular tract in man. Brain 104:249-277) denied that Helweg's tract contains spino-olivary fibres; more likely reticulospinal; Helweg's tract can be identified in Weigert-stained sections, but hardly in Luxol-Fast-Blue-stained sections. The term Fibrae olivospinales is deleted (non-existent); they are probably reticulospinal fibres; see Brodal A 1969 Neurological Anatomy in Relation to Clinical Medicine, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, New York).
(Tractus anterolateralis): A Tract may be defined as a projection (a set of fibres with one main source and one main site of termination) which manifests itself as a fibre concentration over at least part of its course (Nieuwenhuys R 1998 Structure and organisation of fibre systems. In: Nieuwenhuys R, ten Donkelaar HJ, Nicholson C: The Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, pp 113-157). For fibre systems with a more diffuse organization, the term Fibrae is advocated.
The Capsula extrema (Extreme capsule) forms one of the Long association systems involved in language processing (see Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
Although in the Fasciculus arcuatus (Arcuate fasciculus) three segments (anterior, long and posterior) were distinguished (Cayani M, Jones DK, ffytche DH 2005 Perisylvian language pathways. Ann Neurol 57:8-16), more recent research showed that the anterior segment belongs to the superior longitudinal fasciculus and the posterior segment is in reality separate and was renamed Fasciculus temporoparietalis verticalis (temporoparietal vertical or aslant tract), leaving the long segment as the true arcuate fasciculus (Fernandez-Miranda JC, Wang Y, Pathak S, et al. 2015 Asymmetry, connectivity, and segmentation of the arcuate fascicle in the human brain. Brain Struct Funct 220:3665-3680)
The Fasciculus longitudinalis superior (Superior longitudinal fasciculus) appears to be composed of three bundles (SLFI-III or Superior, Middle and Inferior; Makris N, Kennedy DN, McInerney S, et al. 2005 Segmentation of subcomponents within the superior longitudinal fascicle in humans: A quantitative, in vivo, DT-MRI study. Cereb Cortex 15:854-869) as in monkeys (Schmahmann JD, Pandya DN 2006 Fiber Pathways of the Brain. Oxford University Press, New York; Thiebaut de Schotten M, Dell'Acqua F, Valabreque R, Catani M 2012 Monkey to human comparative anatomy of the frontal lobe association tracts. Cortex 48:82-96).
Here, the new nomenclature for the long association fibres of the cerebrum is advocated as proposed by Mandonnet E, Sarubbo S, Petit L (2018 The nomenclature of human white matter association pathways: Proposal for a systematic taxonomic anatomical classification. Front Neuroanat 12:94).
The Fibrae U-figuratae (U-shaped fibres) were first described by Meynert (1872), and replaced the term Fibrae arcuatae cerebri (Arnold 1838) that became obsolete.
Recently, the Fasciculus temporoparietalis verticalis (Temporoparietal aslant tract) was demonstrated, replacing the vertical segment of the arcuate fasciculus (Panesar SS, Belo JT, Yeh F-C, Fernandez-Miranda JC 2019 Structure, asymmetry, and connectivity of the human temporo-parietal asland and vertical occipital fasciculi. Brain Struct Funct 224:907-923; see also 6273).
(Commissura hippocampi): The old term Psalterium has been added; much in use by clinicians; for a study on the cells of origin of commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation, see Amaral DG, Insausti R, Cowan WM (1984) The commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation. J Comp Neurol 224:307-336.
The Tractus vestibulomesencephalici include (Büttner-Ennever JA, Gerrits NM 2004 Vestibular system. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds. The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1213-1240): the Tractus vestibulomesencephalicus medialis, containing fibres from Vestibular nuclei to Oculomotor nuclei, passing via the MLF; the Tractus vestibulomesencephalicus lateralis, with fibres from the Lateral vestibular nucleus to Oculomotor nuclei, passing just lateral to the MLF (eponym: Ascending tract of Deiters; the Tractus vestibulomesencephalicus ventralis, with fibres from the Y group and the Superior vestibular nucleus crossing in the Ventral tegmentum either within or below the Brachium conjunctivum.
A Tractus spinohypothalamicus (Spinohypothalamic tract) has been characterized functionally in monkeys (Zhang X, Wenk HN, Gokin AP, et al. 1999 Physiological studies of spinohypothalamic tract neurons in the lumbar enlargement of monkeys. J Neurophysiol 82:1054-1058; see also Westlund KN, Willis WD Jr 2012 Pain system. IN: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1144-1186).
See note # 5224
(Tractus trigeminothalamici): The Tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior arises in the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Medial lemniscus, whereas the Tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis arises in the Caudal part of the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Anterolateral tract.
(Tractus vestibulothalamicus): In monkeys, Vestibulothalamic projections pass via both the FLM and the Ascending tract of Deiters (Lang W, Büttner-Ennever JA, Büttner U 1979 Vestibular projections to the monkey thalamus: An autoradiographic study. Brain Res 177:3-17). Zwergal et al. (2008) demonstrated a Vestibulothalamic tract adjacent to the Medial lemniscus in humans (Zwergal A, Büttner-Ennever JA, Brandt T, Strupp M 2008 An ipsilateral vestibulothalamic tract adjacent to the medial lemniscus in humans. Brain 131:2928-2935).
See note # 8426
The Via endofolialis (Endfolial pathway) is composed of Hilar Schaffer collaterals from CA3h (see Lim C, Mufson EJ, Kordower JH, et al. 1997 Connections of the hippocampal formation in humans. II. The endfolial pathway. J Comp Neurol 385:352-371).
The Pedunculus temporalis (Temporal peduncle) forms the connection between the temporal and frontal lobes and contains: (1) the Fasciculus occipitofrontalis inferior (Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus); and (2) the Fasciculus uncinatus cerebri (Uncinate fasciculus).
The Fasciculus subcallosus (Subcallosal fasciculus or Bundle of Muratoff; Muratoff W 1893 Secundäre Degenerationen nach Durchschneidung des Balkens. Neurol Centralbl 12:714-729) forms a separate bundle of Corticostriatal fibres (see Schmahmann JD, Pandya DN 2007 The complex history of the fronto-occipital fasciculus. J Hist Med 16:362-377).
The Fasciculus frontalis obliquus (Frontal aslant tract or Frontal oblique tract) connects the SMA and pre-SMA with the opercular part of the Inferior frontal gyrus (Catani M, Dell'Acqua F, Vergani F, et al. 2012 Short frontal lobe connections of the human brain. Cortex 48:273-291).
Type of list P2F
List Unit Identifier 5078
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 14
Invalid number of children Found children: 1303
Check Sublist children: 0
Proper units 2
Invalid number of units Found units: 440
Number of units 446 (validated)
Invalid signature 7960 ( 31.12.2021)
Date: 29.07.2024